Kiseleva N.K. “The History of Spain” by Alfonso X the Wise: the authority of the monument and the significance of the translation. Book Review: Alfonso X the Wise and the collaborators. The history of Spain, which was compiled by the most noble King Don Alfonso, the son of the noble King Don Fernando and Queen Dona Beatrice. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2019. Vol. 1. 763 p

The review examines the value of the publication of the commented translation in Russian “The History of Spain” by Alfonso X the Wise. This chronicle — the most important monument of the Spanish medieval epoch of the 13th century — has not been translated into any European language. Certainly, a project to translate such a […]

Zaitseva S.A., Smirnov V.A. Value regulators of the “recommender system” in the context of the spread of neural network models

A characteristic feature of the modern conditions of digital transformation of various processes in society is the emergence of not only a huge array of publicly available data intentionally left by users (active digital footprint), but also information about their interaction with various information and communication systems (passive digital footprint). The latter type of digital […]

Suleimenov I.E., Vitulyova Y.S., Shaltykova D.B. The concept of the noospheric university from the point of view of the dual essence of human intelligence

. It is shown that in the conditions of the crisis of the modern system of higher education, the question of what constitutes training as such is relevant. It is also shown that evidence of the dual nature of human intelligence, built on the use of the classical provisions of the theory of neural networks, […]

Finogentov V.N. The future of higher education: from a predominantly pragmatic orientation towards value-semantic fullness

. The main attention in the article is paid to the discussion of the upcoming revolutionary changes in the higher education system, which will result from the fundamental process of displacement of people from various fields of professional activity by various forms of artificial intelligence, which is already unfolding today. The article puts forward and […]

Shushkanova E.A. On the state service of the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church (Based on the materials of the Yenisei province)

The place of the Orthodox clergy in the service system of the Russian state since its formation in the XV century is considered. In the process of further historical development, the service system was transformed towards the weakening of the state citizenship of the estates. However, with the gradual dismantling of the feudal model of […]

Sadvokasova Z.T. Missionary activity among dissenters in Kazakhstan (the second half of the XIX — early XX century)

. The activity of missionaries in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX — early XX century was associated not only with attracting foreigners to the bosom of Orthodoxy. The missionaries fought against the sectarian movement and the increasing devise (Old Believers), which became widespread among the Russian peasant settlers. Finding themselves in a […]

Ilyin Yu.А., Oreshkin O.Yu. Trade and economic activity of the Kineshma interdistrict base of Ivanovo regional office of the Torgsin (trade with foreigners) in 1933—1935

The article discusses the main stages of the formation of retail outlets of the Kineshma interdistrict base of the Ivanovo regional office of Torgsin. The question of the types of currency values received by the base (gold and silver coins, household gold and silver, foreign currency and precious stones) is considered in detail. Calculations of […]

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