Bragin A.V. University noospheric education: criterion of anthropological proportionality and humanistic parameters

The author focuses on the paradigm of noospheric education, viewed through the prism of higher education. It is shown that the formation of the noosphere is noocosmic in nature, which implies the participation of the Mind in the restructuring of the of sociocultural evolution trajectory in the direction of optimality — compliance with the noospheric […]

Gorelov O.S. Stream as a metapoetic performance

The article deals with the problems and features of the distribution of poetry in the multimedia space. An analysis of the poetic channels and online meetings on video hosting sites, video streaming services, as well as in video communication programs, made it possible to propose a hypothesis that the participatory discussion of poetic texts in […]

Demianenkova D.V., Razumakhina K.U. The fact and the fiction in Judith Kerr’s autobiographic trilogy “Out of the Hitler Time”

Judith Kerr’s trilogy “Out of the Hitler Time” was published in 1971—1978. However, its Russian translation was released by “Albus Corvus” Publishing House only in 2019—2021. The trilogy is the perspective object for research because of several reasons. Firstly, because of the theme. The novels, of which the trilogy consists, tell about the Jewish German […]

Lyubarsky R.V. Mythological images in the rock poetry of Helavisa (Natalia O'Shea) (On the example of the album “Manuscript”)

The rock poetry of Helavisa, the soloist and songwriter of the group “Melnitsa”, does not remain without the attention of researchers. Natalia O’Shay’s work is considered both in linguistic, musical, and literary aspects. The mythological originality of the works of this author deserves special attention. The relevance of the study of this problem is determined […]

Tyuleneva Е.М. A discourse of repentance in Sasha Sokolov’s novel “Palisandriia”

The article deals with repentant discourse, one of the most stable in the polydiscursive space of Sasha Sokolov’s novel “Palisandriia” and generally characteristic of the writer's supertext. Reflection on the phenomenon of repentance becomes plotforming precisely in “Palisandriia”, it provokes narration, and the stability of the motif of repentance/remorse, its active variation and placement in […]

Paniutina M.N. Special Encyclopedias (With reference to The Wordsworth Dictionary of British History)

The aim of the article is to determine the parameters of the microstructure model of the terminological dictionary on the history of Great Britain. The main content of the research is a lexicographic analysis of the authoritative English-language encyclopedic dictionary The Wordsworth Dictionary of British History. The methods of generalization and interpretation of the results […]

Vetrov I.A. Identification of main directions interactions between Latin America and Europe Union at the interregional level

The article reviews the interaction of Latin America and the European Union at the interregional level within the framework of the European Union’s aid policy. This study clearly shows that the Summit of Heads of State and Government is one of the main instruments for interaction, cooperation development and the definition of strategic directions between […]

Oreshkin O.Yu., Ilyin Yu.A. Practical results of Torgsin’s activity on the territory of the Ivanovo industrial region in 1933—1935

The article is devoted to the consideration of the main practical results of Torgsin’s activities in the Ivanovo industrial region in 1933—1935. The results of attracting foreign currency values (gold and silver coins, household gold and silver, foreign currency and precious stones) and the implementation of plans for the realization of various groups of industrial […]

Orlova S.A., Okolotin V.S. From the history of interethnic conflicts in the Russian empire at the beginning of the XX century (Based on the materials of senatorial revisions)

The article is devoted to the national problems that worsened during the First Russian Revolution and the First World War in the Russian Empire. This situation was reflected in the materials of the audits of senators A.M. Kuzminsky, E.F. Turau, K.K. Palen and N.S. Krasheninnikov. The reports and brief notes of senators describe the bloody […]

Suleimenov A.R. Global radical Islamism projects: a SWOT analysis of Al-Qaeda and Islamic State strategies

This article is devoted to the political projects of radical Islamism aimed at establishing a global «Islamic» state. The study focuses on two different strategies that most clearly demonstrate the split between the two projects of global Islamism. These projects include the strategies of Al-Qaeda (a representative of the «old» jihadist organization) and the «Islamic […]

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