Tyuleneva Е.М. A discourse of repentance in Sasha Sokolov’s novel “Palisandriia”

The article deals with repentant discourse, one of the most stable in the polydiscursive space of Sasha Sokolov’s novel “Palisandriia” and generally characteristic of the writer's supertext. Reflection on the phenomenon of repentance becomes plotforming precisely in “Palisandriia”, it provokes narration, and the stability of the motif of repentance/remorse, its active variation and placement in various contexts allow us to speak about the discursiveness of repentance — about the development of its nature, conditions, environment, component composition, structure, in other words, the language of repentance. The study analyzes genre forms, conceptual units, thesaurus and peculiar semantic nests of ‘repentance’, as well as the causes and mechanisms of their deconstruction. The article shows that the text implements a narrative strategy for detecting both the “substance” of simulation and the “substance” of repentance that is in complex intersections with it. The destruction of the first does not always lead to the implementation of the second, therefore, it is more important to identify and expand one’s own discursive possibilities of repentance.

For citation:

Tyuleneva Е.М. A discourse of repentance in Sasha Sokolov's novel “Palisandriia”, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2022, iss. 4, pp. 48—57.