Bogdanov L.G., Komissarova I.A. Museum boom and the phenomenon of Lenin rooms in educational institutions (On the materials of Ivanovo region)

This article attempts to evaluate the museum boom that began in the 1960s. The authors focus on the practice of museum work. During this period, the processes under study most clearly manifested themselves in the activities of school museums, which enjoyed maximum state support. Requirements for the organization and conditions of existence during the specified […]

Avetisyan Zh.G., Rogozhina E.M., Sokolov R.N. Russia and the gulf monarchies: history of cooperation in modern threats and challenges. Pt. 1

This article discusses the functioning of the system of contacts between the Russia and Persian Gulf monarchies within the framework of international economic and socio-political processes. The study separately considers the issue of the reasons for intensifying contacts within the framework of bilateral cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as […]

Kozachina A.V., Korepanova E.V. Metaphorical model “Sport is war” in Japanese sport discourse

This article dwells upon the metaphorical model “Sport is war” in Japanese sport discourse. The aim of the study is to describe the linguistic representation of military metaphor arising in Japanese sports discourse. The material of the research is the Japanese transmedia project “Volleyball!!”. Metaphorical modelling and qualitative and quantitative analysis are used as the […]

Vorontsova I.A. Evolution of thesaurus construction methods: from intuitive compilation to ontological engineering (With special reference to English)

The article contains a historical survey and analysis of thesaurus modeling methods in English lexicography. The research objective is to systematize the semantically oriented approaches adopted to describe English vocabulary at different stages of lexicography development (X—XXI centuries). The author concludes that intuitively compiled thematic glossaries, based on the application of paradigmatic or a combination […]

Oxenchuk V.N. Typological similarities in the works of German and Russian Romantics (On the example of G.A. Burger's ballad “Lenora” and V.A. Zhukovsky's ballads “Lyudmila” and “Svetlana”)

The subject of the article is a comparative analysis of three works written by V.A. Zhukovsky: the ballads “Ludmila” and “Svetlana” and the translation of G.A. Burger's ballad “Lenora”. It examines issues related to the spread of Romanticism in Russia and attempts to identify typological similarities of texts written on similar subjects and to identify […]

Mysovskikh L.O. Features of the representation of religion in the genre of the dystopian novel of the first half of the twentieth century

The author of the article argues that societies in the dystopian novels of Zamyatin, Huxley and Orwell are presented in a deeply religious paradigm. Dystopian societies are organized according to a theistic template, to which God's surrogates, new sins and heresies join. In all the novels considered, a dystopian god is found, acting as a […]

Andreyanova E.E. “Being-with” and the distributed subject in M. Eremin’s texts of the 2010’s

The article examines M. Eremin's poetic creativity of the 2010’s through the prism of subject spatial relations. The author, whose poetics is characterized by an imaginative and stylistic diversity, including work with a natural scientific, religious, historical and cultural context, is traditionally considered difficult for re aders and researchers to perceive, since the usual methods […]

Andreeva V.G. Correspondence L.N. Tolstoy and P.D. Boborykin: from letters of the 1860’s before being elected to academics

The article discusses and analyzes the relationship between L.N. Tolstoy and P.D. Boborykin, It is shown that, despite the brevity of correspondence and episodic meetings, both writers had a serious interest in each other's work justified by literary development. Two letters of Boborykin and Tolstoy, written at the time of Boborykin’s work as the editorinchief […]

Denisov K.M., Karpova O.M. Habitus as a basis of cultural, scientific and social interaction. Book review: Linguocultural and communicative space of a person (Devoted to Professor F.I. Kartashkova’s jubilee), ed. by E.A. Vansjatskaya, Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University, 2022, 256 p

The readers are presented with a review of the collective monograph “Lin-guocultural and communicative space of a person (devoted to Professor F.I. Kartashkova’s jubilee)”. The review underlines the diversity of the covered topics, which includes research results, carried by scholars from different Russian higher educational institutions, as well as “Laboratory of Person’s Communicative Behavuor” from […]