The article characterizes an approach to teaching mathematics, in which formal-logical means are the means of transforming the way of thinking of students and become the means of forming and developing their theoretical thinking. It is shown that, contrary to the well-known statement of Hadamard, the value of mathematical rigor is not only to legitimize […]
Kondorskii B. M. Russia as a state-oikumena
The article attempts to comprehend and lead to a certain system of Russia’s history based on the concept of oikumena as a system that has its own internal laws, as the unity of natural and social phenomena and processes. The specificity of the series of oikumena — tribal, trading, urban — which replaced each other […]
Belousov P. A. Universal (planetary) human identity as a problem of modern noospherology
The article deals with the problem of practical implementation of V. I. Vernadsky’s idea of biosphere transition into noosphere in the context of modern ecological situation, contradicting the scientific and philosophical ideas about the future of mankind. The author substantiates the real possibilities of achieving the value unity of the world society in the form […]
Aksenov G. P. V. I. Vernadsky: from the history of science to the indispensable future
In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the works of V. I. Vernadsky became the scientific basis for the relationship between mankind and the environment. But when in 2015 the UN adopted the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 program, it became clear that for Vernadsky, being the «father of ecology» is clearly not enough. It […]
Tyulenev V. M. Cassiodorus: a man who created a myth about himself
The article considers the question of the literary self-portrait created by Flavius Cassiodorus and how it influenced the formation of the myth about himself in the science of the XIX—XX centuries. The article analyzes three main components of this myth. First, it is shown that it was important for Cassiodorus to show himself as a […]
Sadvokassova Z. T. Orthodox missionary institutions in Kazakhstan (XIX — early XX centuries)
The missionary activity of Orthodox preachers among the non-native peoples of the national regions of the Russian Empire was carried out in parallel with the intervention in economic life, with the introduced reforms in the management of the region, changes in the spiritual sphere, etc. The situation of Islam and its adherents with the arrival […]
Tochenov S. V., Tsaplina N. S. Organization of work of the Ivanovo branch of BIYT “Sputnik” on development of international youth tourism in 1973—1991
The article discusses the creation and functioning of the Ivanovo branch of the Bureau of International Youth Tourism “Sputnik”. First of all, attention is paid to the implementation of one of the main areas of activity — international youth exchange of socialist and capitalist states. Documents of the State Archive of the Ivanovo Region and […]
Ladanova A. A. Characteristic features of the supply system of Ivanovo-Voznesensky state textile trust in 1921/22—1926/27
History of Ivanovo-Voznesensky state textile trust is one of the best examples of reconstruction and development of textile industry during the new economic policy. The article is devoted to the formation and features of the supply system of the trust. The author considers stages of formation of this system, conditions of the trust’s transition from […]
Krasovitskaya T. Yu. “My secret thought is that only foreigners can love Russia...”
The revolutionary changes in 1917 were complex and contradictory. On the one hand, they asserted the power of society and the state, extending their influence and power over vast territories, including peoples and their resources in its orbit. But, on the other hand, they carried the potential of negating the old system of power, opening […]
Baldin K. E. Environmental problems in Ivanovo-Vosnesensk at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
The article examines the state of Ivanovo-Vosnesensk hydro system in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and characterizes the inland waters of the city — rivers, streams, ponds, wells. The author concludes that the city’s water resources were not sufficient for a large industrial center. These water sources were used by textile mills for […]
Bogdanova A. A., Zolina E. N., Khusnutdinov A. A. About the content of the concept “indigenous villager” in application to the author’s dictionary (based on the materials of the dictionary “Phraseological lexicon of the indigenous villager of the Ivanovo Oblast”)
The concept of «indigenous villager» is normally used in dialectology and dialect lexicography, which are focused on describing the characteristics of territorial dialects. The speech of individual speakers of the dialect is described for the same purposes within the framework of dialect lexicography as well. In recent years, the circle of people whose language is […]
Muraveva A. V. The absurd as a reception in D. Danilov’s piece “The man from Podolsk”
The article is devoted to the intra-textual reception of the absurd situation of Dmitry Danilov‘s piece «The Man from Podolsk». The emphasis is placed on the techniques and techniques of absurdization of the dramatic text, their appearance in the text of the drama, possible forms and variants of their creation and existence. In the course […]
Antsyferova O. Yu. Fictionalizing and telling historical truth in the metamodernist novel How to be both by Ali Smith
Functioning of the historical and biographical narrative is analyzed in the novel How to be both (2014) by the British writer Ali Smith, which helps to reconsider the postmodernist interpretation of the novel prevailing in Russian literary criticism. Ways and the degree of fictionalizing in the biographical narrative of the Renaissance artist Francesco del Cossa […]
Andreyanova E. E. Implementation of the ideo-phenomenological space in a poetry collection by N. Safonov “Reversal by the field of symmetry”
The article deals with the subjective-spatial models of N. Safonov‘s texts in the collection ―Reversal by the field of symmetry‖. The author‘s approach can be characterized as philosophical and ideological, since the conceptual space should be designated as the main one. The poet comprehends the linguistic implementation of ideas and mechanisms of thinking. N. Safonov […]