Krasovitskaya T. Yu. “My secret thought is that only foreigners can love Russia...”

The revolutionary changes in 1917 were complex and contradictory. On the one hand, they asserted the power of society and the state, extending their influence and power over vast territories, including peoples and their resources in its orbit. But, on the other hand, they carried the potential of negating the old system of power, opening up the possibility of preserving and building up the forces that opposed it. In Christian, Islamic, and Jewish anthropology, the gap between the boundaries and parameters of traditional society and the growing range of needs and opportunities for their realization became more obvious. The violation of borders formed new mechanisms of social security, proposed new strategies.

Reference to article:

Krasovitskaya T. Yu. “My secret thought is that only foreigners can love Russia…” // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2021. No.3. P. 53–61.