Belousov P. A. Universal (planetary) human identity as a problem of modern noospherology

The article deals with the problem of practical implementation of V. I. Vernadsky’s idea of biosphere transition into noosphere in the context of modern ecological situation, contradicting the scientific and philosophical ideas about the future of mankind. The author substantiates the real possibilities of achieving the value unity of the world society in the form of planetary identity as a system-forming principle that harmonizes the different-vector private goals of human life. It is stated that in the hierarchy of identities, planetary identity is the most abstract, having no direct reference, so there are difficulties in its personification and unification. The author supports V. I. Vernadsky’s historical optimism and appeal to the creative essence of the human, thanks to which the subjects of all levels of sociality can find consensus in the priorities and cultural practices in the planetary life-building, obeying the immanent logic of existence in its definition of «first nature».

Reference to article:

Belousov P. A. Universal (planetary) human identity as a problem of modern noospherology // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2021. No.3. P. 111–123.