Petryakov L.G. Meta-Ontology as a lego philosophy

Ontology is the first section of philosophy, its axiomatics, the basis of the worldview of many generations of people. However, in philosophy there is not one, but many ontologies based on object, subject, event, system and other views of the world. There is a problem of bringing together different models (schemes) of ontology. They suggest […]

Ilyin Yu.A. Efforts of the authorities, representatives of the b. FIR and the public of the textile region to make a joint decision on the need to establish a higher technical school in Ivanovo-Voznesensk (spring 1918)

Thanks to the serious research work of I.E. Pochivalova and O.I. Koifman, the need for further development of the question posed by us has only intensified.In the article offered to readers, an attempt is made to deepen the analytical approaches of researchers to the problem of rooting in the circles of Soviet power, representatives of […]

Lyapanov A.V. The influence of the state policy of the Russian Empire on social mobility (on the example of the state peasants of the Vladimir Viceroyalty (1778—1796))

The article deals with the problem of social mobility in the Russian Empire of the late XVIII century. Despite the closed nature of the estate society of that time, there were frequent cases of transition from one estate to another in legislation and public practice. We consider these phenomena on the example of the transition […]

Evseev V.A. The problematic alliance. On the question of England's foreign policy towards Sweden in the era of two wars: for the “Spanish Succession” and the “Great Northern War”

England and Sweden entered into an alliance in 1700. However, this alliance experienced various metamorphoses. Both powers alternatively became friends, then foreign policy rivals. Their relations strongly depended on the international situation in Europe and, of course, on the foreign policy goals of each of the parties. Often, both kingdoms did not fulfill their obligations. […]

Habibullina L.G. Causal relations between the components of non-union compound sentences in the Tatar language

Semantically, not only equivalent compositional, but also explicitly unexpressed subordinate relations can be established between parts of non-union compound sentences, which often remain out of the field of view of researchers. This article studies causal relationships in non-union compound sentences of the Tatar language. The study of the peculiarities of the linguistic representation of semantic […]

Privalova D.V. Modern picture of English lexicography on the material of dictionaries of new words

This article is devoted to the analysis of the contemporary market of lexicographic products registering new vocabulary of English-language discourse. The study reveals a number of characteristic trends in the field of compiling dictionaries of new words. Thus, the author has determined that modern glossaries can be created to describe a certain time period, the […]

Morozova I.V. Race and Gender problem in The Narration of Harriet Tubman life in “Harriet, the Moses of Her People” by S. Bradford

The article examines Sarah Bradford's book “Harriet, the Moses of Her People” from the perspective of racial and gender representation. The difference between the book about Tubman's life and the slave narrative is expressed in the change in its main goal: not to awaken opposition to slavery and create a negative public opinion towards it, […]

Gurov O.N. Technologies. Corporeality. Future: Reflections of D. Cronenberg in the movie “Crimes of the future”

This article provides an analysis of the film «Crimes of the Future» (2022), directed by David Cronenberg. The film is examined as a significant work that raises important questions about the interaction of technology, embodiment, and the future of society. The author highlights how the director focuses on exploring the interplay between technological progress and […]

Begisheva O.S. Comparative analysis of the poem “An Irish Airman Foresees His Death” by W.B. Yeats translations in the light of M.Y. Lotman’s theory of a poetic text elements semantic correlation

The article is devoted to the problem of a lyrical work translations comparative analysis in the light of M. Lotman’s views on the poetic text as a complex of interrelated semantic components that gain significance in the semantic space only in their assembly. According to the scholar's beliefs, each element of a literary text acquires […]