Vavilova E. Yu., Petrуakov L. D. Conter-discursive and pseudo-discursive practices as a sign of the Cold War

The family of discursive concepts includes directly discourse, counterdiscourse, or anti-discourse, pseudo-discourse. Counter-discourses and pseudodiscourses are clearly distinguishable in internal and external political propaganda. Counter-discourses fix the opposites that have arisen, but do not allow the thought to develop to a dialectical synthesis, to overcome the contradiction on the basis of synthesis, and to have […]

Bragin A. V. The civilization of postmodern: peace is war?

The article is devoted to analysis of the prospect positive future mankind condition of the Postmodern as points to bifurcations of the development to global civilization. Balancing between War and the World in aspect nooscosmyc’s evolution of the universe, allows not to allow the post human future only under identical realization occurring change. Such vector […]

Baldin K. E. Agricultural education of the peasants in Kostroma province in the early 20th century

The article is devoted to agricultural propaganda, which was conducted among the peasants by Russian Zemstvo. This scientific topic is considered on the example of Kostroma province, which was both an industrial and agricultural region. The two main forms of such propaganda were individual readings (lectures) and courses, the villagers received new information and new […]

Oschepkova V. V., Solovyeva N. V. Academic english: english as a foreign language or as a lingua franca?

The article analyzes approaches to teaching academic English in higher educational institutions. There are several terms for English as an object of study, andeach term implies a separate learning concept: English as a Foreign Language (ESL); English as an International Language (EIL); English as a Lingua Franca.The authors dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of […]

Kotsyubinskaya L. V., Кalinina S. V. To the question of neonyms’ classification in the english terminology of oil refining

The article is devoted to the classification of new linguistic units of the oil refining term system recorded within the industry lexicographic source in the time period from 1962 to 1975. Attention is paid to the identification of extra linguistic prerequisites for the emergence of terminological neologisms. The process of neologization is considered in accordance […]

Kholodova Z. Y. Determining aesthetic position in the literary-critical articles (1925—1926) of M. Khvylovyi

Khvylovyi was an excellent writer and an ancestor of new ukrainian prose, he also was an organizer of Ukrainian Renaissance. The search for ways of full value literature’s development threw into creating The Libre Academy of Proletarian Literature, which Khvylovyi’s philosophical-aesthetic outlooks were in base of programme performed in the literary discussion in the articles […]