Kasatkina S.S. University and city: noospheric relationship

The article is devoted to the consideration of the third mission of the university in the context of ideas about noospheric dynamics. The specificity of university subculture in the context of consumer civilization is fixed. An analysis of the interaction between the university and the city in the format of their co-evolution as the most important social institutions of modern society is proposed. The author reveals the noospheric nature
of university-urban collaboration through the prism of five models / relations that form a single ecosystem. The similarity of the thesauri of the city and the university is shown, which determines the efficiency and heuristic nature of their co-evolution. The conclusion is made about the university as a significant actor of spiritual (inner) production, the importance of which only increases with the course of historical time.

For citation:

Kasatkina S.S. University and city: noospheric relationship, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2022, iss. 1, pp. 161—167.

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