Pirozhkova S. V. The tasks of the university in cognitive and biocapitalism: from a competent consumer to a participant in socio-technological design

The article presents a model of the development of forms of work with social expectations within the framework of the evolution of the predictive and managerial support of technological development. It is shown that social expectations are one of the important factors in the development of science and technology in the context of the formation […]

Paley E. V. Axiospace of contemporary natural science and technical education: opportunities for the integration of the humanities

The article examines several topical aspects of the integration of the humanities into the natural science and technical education. This process is closely interlinked with the inclusion of explicit and implicit value attitudes in the process of education. The negative character of the deficit of the values fostered by humanities within the framework of contemporary […]

Petryakov L. D. Ontology in semantic names of places and institutions: statement of the problem

The article examines the concepts of culture, created in the classical era, such as: “time”, “progress”, “modernity with its problems”, which have firmly entered our everyday language. It is shown that they largely determine our thinking, allowing to act effectively in typical situations. Their ambivalence is revealed in situations requiring out-of-the-box thinking, when they also […]

Yudin K. A. “The way of cinnabar” by Julius Evola: experience of intellectual autobiography and philosophical self-knowledge

This article can be seen as a continuation of a series of publications by the author, which began several years ago, devoted to the study of the works of the famous Italian right-wing conservative philosopher-traditionalist, Baron Julius Evola. An attempt is being made to focus on his particular work, which is an intellectual autobiography of […]

Khripunov A. S. The emergence and evolution of the liberal program of public education development in Russia in the late XIX — early XX century

The article deals with the main provisions of the liberal program for the development of public education in Russia at the turn of the XIX—XX centuries. Particular attention is paid to the institutionalization of the liberal movement in Russia, the development of various projects of programs for reforming the Russian school. An analysis of the […]

Stepanov A. V. Memoirs of Lidia B. Tvel’kmeier as a piece of evidence on daily life of a middle class family in early XX century St. Petersburg

Upon the reminiscences of Lidia Tvel’kmeier (Rozing), some aspects of daily life of a family of an early 20th century Russian university lecturer are studied, such as housing conditions, nutrition, leisure activities, upbringing of children. The author makes suppositions about probable family income level. Features of life that are typical and atypical of the “so-called […]

Evseev V. A. The specifics of England’s foreign policy in relation to the German principalities at the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries

This article is devoted to the investigation of England’s policy to different principalities of Germany at the turn of XVII—XVII centuries. France — the main opponent of Britain in Europe — in order to restrain British influence in Europe created a successful system of alliances with different principalities of Germany. However, these alliances were temporary, […]

Lobanova E. I., Suvorova N. V. Verbalization of the concept “tree” in the novel “Lavr” by E. G. Vodolazkin

This article examines one of the most challenging problems of modern linguistic science — the problem of representing a certain concept in texts of modern literature. Within the framework of the posed problem, an attempt is made to analyze systematically various ways of verbalizing the concept of “tree” in the “non-historical” novel by E. G. […]

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