The author focuses on the consciousness dynamics of the technical university students, discovered over the past three decades through the work of the university student philosophical club. It is shown that the mental changes, on the one hand, are generated by the information revolution, and on the other hand, reflect changes in the economic, political […]
Kudrina S. A. Apology to philosophy: between boldness and oblivion
It is important to preserve university philosophy as a security system that preserves moral guidelines in science. Philosophy helps scientists to understandthe socio-cultural context of their creativity and research. Philosophy helps to get rid of narrow professionalism and cynicism. Key words: philosophy in high school, values, ethics, axiology, relativism. Reference to article: Kudrina S. A. […]
Kogalovsky S. R. Competences versus competence?
This note is devoted to the following issue: to what extent do the existing standards and work programs on higher education disciplines reflect the multidimensional and multilevel nature of learning activity? Кey words: education disciplines, standards, working program, learning activity, multidimensional and multilevel nature, competence and expertise. Reference to article: Kogalovsky S. R. Competences versus […]
Smirnov D. G. War of images in the symbolic politics of the Cold War: semiological aspects
The article is devoted to the study of the conceptual and methodological foundations of the international relations semiotics through the prism of noomachiaand eidomachia ideas. An understanding of eidomachia as an interdiscourse space of international politics is proposed, its system analysis is carried out. The logic of the formation of the international relations semiotics is […]
Vlasova G. I., Turchin A. S. Formation and Growth of N. V. Kuz’mina Scientific School of in St. Petersburg and regions
The article considers the problem of formation of a common ontological engineering and its applications directions in Russia in the XX — beginning of XXI centuries. On the example of the author's scientific school of doctor of psychological Sciences N. V. Kuzmina shows the main stages of folding and adoption of a new scientific direction […]
Kasatkina S. S. Designing the Historical and Cultural Environment of the City in an Information Society
The article considers the possibilities of designing the historical and cultural space of the city. The urgency of the problem is connected with the digitalization of the Russian economy, including the direction of creating a comfortable urban environment. The author reveals the practices of formation of virtual and augmented reality of cities in the information […]
Bulychev I. I. Fundamental algorithms of reality as the drivers of scientific and philosophical dynamics
The article is devoted to the problems of constructing a methodology that selects the set of underlying algorithms (constants) being effective in the development of fundamental scientific and philosophical theories. It is shown that algorithmization lends itself, first of all, to the most developed and systematized layer of theoretical disciplines. The statement of the universal […]
Erakhtin A. V. Humanitarian studies, philosophy and clip thinking
The causes of the crisis of the Humanities in the world and in Russia after the perestroika and anti-constitutional revolution in October 1993 are analyzed. It isshown that the reforms in the field of education have led to its devaluation, especially in the field of humanitarian knowledge. The phenomenon of «clip thinking» and its negative […]
Kovalenko S. V. The noospherogenesis concept as a philosophical and methodological basis for the functioning and development of the university education
The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of culture of society in the form of University education as a set of anthropological and social processes, during which the individual expands his opportunities for self-realization in the processes of creation of noospherogenesis values. The article deals with the problems of non-entropic evolutionary self-organization […]
Okeansky V. P., Okeanskaya Zh. L. «Revival of man»: the unsolved supertask of the Russian university
The article presents the problems of the crisis of the university, associated with the historical collapse of metaphysical universalism; The authors focus onthe deepening anthropological degradation, in contrast to which the undeveloped metaphysical potential of Russian culture is indicated as a creative opportunity. Key words: university, universalism, man, degradation, renovation. Reference to article: Okeansky V. […]
Bragin A. V. University education: classics and traditionalism or innovation of postmodernism
The article mounts a most urgent problem modern education. The author focuses on the nature innovation in education and consequences for society The Classics it’s classics because that she gives the standard. Concerns this and education in general and high. Present-day it’s innovation’s trand, it’s innovational an postmodernistic arts. Their essence is education service, the […]
Shumilkina O. G. Problems of the humanitaristics in the modern educational paradigm
The article discusses the importance of humanities in the context of two educational paradigms — the classical and modern. Some aspects of the ideologicalconflict between classical pedagogical thought and ideas of postmodern pedagogy are revealed. The influence of postmodernism on the formation of a new educational paradigm is shown, and the prospects for the development […]
Finogentov V. N. Dismal results of the humanitarian component reform in higher education of the modern Russia
The article shows the negative consequences of the reforms of the humanitarian component of higher education carried out in Russia in the post-Soviet period. The urgent need to strengthen and modernize the humanitarian component of Russian higher education is emphasized. Key words: growth of rates of technical and technological progress, reforming of Russian higher education, […]