Kovrov T. A. The representatives of the estates of the city of Shuya and the Shuya district in the accounting and loan committee at the Ivanovo-Voznesensky branch of the State bank (On the materials of the State archive of the Ivanovo region)

The article is devoted to the study of the representatives of the estates of the city of Shuya and Shuya district in the accounting and loan committee at the Ivanovo-Voznesensky branch of the State bank. The article substantiates the problem that the accounting and loan committees at the branches of the State Bank acted on […]

Baldin K. E. Technical progress of the peasant holding in Kostroms province in the early 20th century

The article is devoted to the distribution of advanced agricultural machinery among peasants of Kostroma Province in the early 20th century. The economic consciousness of most peasants at this time was very conservative. They used outdated machinery and traditional land-processing techniques. The author considers the propaganda of new technology among peasants, Zemstvo demonstrated to them […]

Gorelov O. S. History of surrealist anti-musicality in the practices of innovative Russian poetry

The article provides an overview of key studies of surrealist musicality, highlights the problem of non-acceptance by surrealism of music media, focuses on a historical discussion of the semantics and reality of sound itself as a phenomenon. It also analyzes the basic principles for the implementation of the surrealist antimusicality in the newest Russian poetry. […]

Belozerova A. V. Usage of parallel Russian-English and English-Russian corpora of social and political speech texts: teaching methods aspect

The paper deals with the compilation and examination of a small-scale Russian-English and English-Russian corpora of political speech texts to contribute to translation studies and their methods of teaching. It describes the steps of corpus creation on Sketch Engine platform that offers a possibility to create an individual research corpus. The article explores the program […]

Letina N. N. Actual culturosphere of Yaroslavl: scientific and educational discourse

The article substantiates the educational shape of the modern Yaroslavl cultural sphere. Its base is determined as the Department of Cultural Studies in Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. Its scientific foundation is fixed as a leading scientific school of Russia in cultural studies with academic ‘peak’ — dissertation council D 212.307.04. […]

Smirnov D. G. Image of Russian bear in the system of Russian ecosemotics: first approximation

The article is devoted to the analysis of the cognitive-semiotic aspects of the Russian bear image existence in the system of modern Russian symbolic politics. The subject field and structure of political eco-semiotics are determined, its theoretical and methodological novelty is presented. The coordinates of the images ecosystem of the political semiosphere of Russia, including […]

Artemyeva A. A. Asceticism as an anthropological paradigm of the global economic consciousness

The article is devoted to the clarifying of the modern global economic consciousness essence through the prism of philosophical anthropology. The author’s attention is drawn to the phenomenon of asceticism as a cultural and value dimension of global economic consciousness, which sets its socio-biospheric discourse. The article describes the characteristics of asceticism in the religious […]

Mineva S. Literacy, technology and people in a digital society of information and globalization

Тhe article describes some of the consequences following the development of modern technologies and the globalization of society resulting from their influence on human identity and way of life. It's about literacy as a technical skill, the universal nature of market relations and the appearance of ersatz-individuality under the influence of global commercialization and technologization […]