Yudin K. A. Film production in the period of the «cold war»: some tendencies of the Russian and foreign historiography

This article is a historical-historiographic study. Based on materials from leading libraries, an attempt is made to review the main tendencies in the study ofSoviet and American filmmaking in the period of the «cold war». We consider the political and ideological factors and motives that influenced the establishment of research priorities and conceptual and theoretical […]

Okolotin V. S. The role of the spare parts of Ivanovo region in the preparation of the military replenishment for Red Army in 1941—1942

The article is devoted to the research of spare parts preparation of the military replenishment for Red Army in 1941—1942. The author presents information about each of them, reveals the specifics of the preparation of marching companies, cavalry squadrons, air squadrons and regiments. Special attention is paid to the assembly of the foreign planes supplied […]

Baldin K. E. Agricultural exhibitions and peasant economy in Kostroma province at the beginning of XX century

The article discusses the peculiarities of agricultural livestock exhibitions in the Kostroma province — their frequency, the number of exhibitors, the work ofexhibition committees. The majority of participants of these exhibitions were peasants. The author analyzes the effectiveness of these exhibitions for peasants: here they gradually parted with conservative views on the management of the […]

Taganov A. N. The real and the mystical in artistic word of Honore de Balzac: «Forgiven Melmoth»

The article on the example of the novel “Forgiven Melmot”, which is a part of the philosophical etudes of Balzac's “Human Comedy”, examines the features ofthe French writer’s artistic system, which combines a realistically reproduced historically conditioned reality and its mystical interpretation. Key words: realism, mysticism, the Word-logos, the mystical Word, transgressive image, the universal […]

Kokurina I. V., Opolovnikova M. V. Logical particle schon as a marker of the dynamic frame violation

The article deals with temporal logical particles that mark the deviation from the standard implementation of the frame-script; distinguished are several types of violations of temporal relation between the elements of the script represented by the kernel element and the correlate of the particle schon. Key words: logical particles, frame, script, correlate, norm violation. Reference […]

Karpova О. М. Once again about Dictionaries Typology (with Special Reference to English Dictionaries of new Generation)

The paper describes typologies of English dictionaries offered by Russian and foreign scholars in the XX-th — XXI-st cc. Different parameters of classificationsare discussed and the author’s dictionaries typology based on specialized dictionaries is offered. The paper covers recent tendencies in classification of new English dictionaries, caused by anthropocentric character of modern lexicography. Key words: […]

Vansyatskaya E. A. Speech Genre “Disagreement” in Nonverbal Behavior of Children: Strategy of Communication Aposiopesis

The article is devoted to the research of the speech genre “disagreement” in non-verbal behavior of speakers. This genre is known to be typical of both boys and girls. The most frequent strategy within the genre discussed is communication aposiopesis, for this purpose different types of linguistic means are exploited. The use of this strategy […]

Kudrina S. A. Apology to philosophy: between boldness and oblivion

It is important to preserve university philosophy as a security system that preserves moral guidelines in science. Philosophy helps scientists to understandthe socio-cultural context of their creativity and research. Philosophy helps to get rid of narrow professionalism and cynicism. Key words: philosophy in high school, values, ethics, axiology, relativism. Reference to article: Kudrina S. A. […]

Kogalovsky S. R. Competences versus competence?

This note is devoted to the following issue: to what extent do the existing standards and work programs on higher education disciplines reflect the multidimensional and multilevel nature of learning activity? Кey words: education disciplines, standards, working program, learning activity, multidimensional and multilevel nature, competence and expertise. Reference to article: Kogalovsky S. R. Competences versus […]

Smirnov D. G. War of images in the symbolic politics of the Cold War: semiological aspects

The article is devoted to the study of the conceptual and methodological foundations of the international relations semiotics through the prism of noomachiaand eidomachia ideas. An understanding of eidomachia as an interdiscourse space of international politics is proposed, its system analysis is carried out. The logic of the formation of the international relations semiotics is […]

Vlasova G. I., Turchin A. S. Formation and Growth of N. V. Kuz’mina Scientific School of in St. Petersburg and regions

The article considers the problem of formation of a common ontological engineering and its applications directions in Russia in the XX — beginning of XXI centuries. On the example of the author's scientific school of doctor of psychological Sciences N. V. Kuzmina shows the main stages of folding and adoption of a new scientific direction […]