The subject of the article is a comparative analysis of three works written by V.A. Zhukovsky: the ballads “Ludmila” and “Svetlana” and the translation of G.A. Burger's ballad “Lenora”. It examines issues related to the spread of Romanticism in Russia and attempts to identify typological similarities of texts written on similar subjects and to identify […]
Mysovskikh L.O. Features of the representation of religion in the genre of the dystopian novel of the first half of the twentieth century
The author of the article argues that societies in the dystopian novels of Zamyatin, Huxley and Orwell are presented in a deeply religious paradigm. Dystopian societies are organized according to a theistic template, to which God's surrogates, new sins and heresies join. In all the novels considered, a dystopian god is found, acting as a […]
Kiseleva I.S. The functions of the playing field in Fritz Hochwelder's comedy “Innocent”
In itself, a dramatic work (macrotext) is a play on stage. At the same time, at the microtext level, in each particular play, the game principle can manifest itself to varying degrees, since the principle of the construction of the play and the number of game elements in it depends on the author. The study […]
Andreyanova E.E. “Being-with” and the distributed subject in M. Eremin’s texts of the 2010’s
The article examines M. Eremin's poetic creativity of the 2010’s through the prism of subject spatial relations. The author, whose poetics is characterized by an imaginative and stylistic diversity, including work with a natural scientific, religious, historical and cultural context, is traditionally considered difficult for re aders and researchers to perceive, since the usual methods […]
Andreeva V.G. Correspondence L.N. Tolstoy and P.D. Boborykin: from letters of the 1860’s before being elected to academics
The article discusses and analyzes the relationship between L.N. Tolstoy and P.D. Boborykin, It is shown that, despite the brevity of correspondence and episodic meetings, both writers had a serious interest in each other's work justified by literary development. Two letters of Boborykin and Tolstoy, written at the time of Boborykin’s work as the editorinchief […]
Denisov K.M., Karpova O.M. Habitus as a basis of cultural, scientific and social interaction. Book review: Linguocultural and communicative space of a person (Devoted to Professor F.I. Kartashkova’s jubilee), ed. by E.A. Vansjatskaya, Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University, 2022, 256 p
The readers are presented with a review of the collective monograph “Lin-guocultural and communicative space of a person (devoted to Professor F.I. Kartashkova’s jubilee)”. The review underlines the diversity of the covered topics, which includes research results, carried by scholars from different Russian higher educational institutions, as well as “Laboratory of Person’s Communicative Behavuor” from […]
Elbakyan A.A. Openness as a cognitive and social value
The author focuses on the phenomenon of openness in the discourse of the theory of values. It is shown that the problem of open access to scientific knowledge is one of the most discussed over the past twenty years. The insufficiency of its comprehension from the point of view of epistemology and philosophy of science […]
Melikyan M.A., Smirnov D.G. Philosophy of human quality: hi-tech temptation and hi-hume redemption
The authors focus on the philosophy of human quality in the era of the sixth technological order. A system of coordinates for a human unified theory is pro-posed. Its cultural discourse is outlined in the context of noospheric problems. The adequacy of the complex deontological approach to the phenomenon of human quality is substantiated. Hi-tech […]
Erofeeva K.L., Zelentsova M.G. Ethical universalism in the philosophy of morality: dynamics of the generally-human
The article substantiates the presence of the universal content of morality, clarifies the concept of “universal” in the ethical context. An analysis is given of some modern approaches to the problem of the universal in the theory of morality; those achievements of ethical thought that have not received a sufficiently wide distribution in Russian philosophy […]
Podol R.Ya. Cognitive infantilism in the reflection of noospheric consciousness
The article, through a transparent approach, identifies the dominant factors that determine the steady evolution of modern civilization into the sphere of digital culture. Attention is focused on the importance of noospheric consciousness formation, which contributes to the humanization of technical and technological progress. The author appeals to the need for a conceptual justification of […]
Kozhevnikov N.N., Danilova V.S. Ontological structures of mythology, religion, philosophy, science as stages of universalization in developing the world knowledge
The article consistently considers the ontological foundations of mythology, religions, philosophy, science, using which thinking has become more and more universal, ascending from its most simple forms to more and more complex ones. Among the ontological foundations, the following stand out: their reduction into clear systems, the ascent to the ultimate completeness and the reduction […]
Shushkanova E.A. The role of the Siberian peasant community in the Orthodox parish of the Russian Empire
The interaction of the institute of rural community and the parish of the Russian Orthodox Church is considered on the materials of Yenisei Siberia. The Siberian community, unlike the community in European Russia, has retained the basic principles of self-government and economic initiative due to many factors. The study of the functioning of peasant society […]
Khristenko D.N. The US factor in preserving S. Hussein’s regime stability’s after the Gulf War (1990—1991)
One of the main events at the end of the era of bipolar relations and Washington’s attempt to move to a unipolar world was the war in the Persian Gulf (1990—1991). In its course, the United States managed to defeat the Iraqi army and liberate Kuwait, previously captured by the regime of S. Hussein. However, […]
Simonenko E.S. Government measures to stimulate military recruitment in Canada at the height of the First World War (Based on the Canadian press)
The paper is devoted to the study of the system of measures taken by the Canadian government to stimulate military recruitment into the ranks of Canadian volunteers at the height of the First World War. It investigates the main and additional measures to activate the recruitment to the Canadian Expeditionary Force in the midst of […]