Polyvannyi D.I. Mstyora as an “experimental station” of the artistic avant-garde of Russia in the 1920s. Book review: M.L. Birukov. Mstyorsky Ark. From the history of artistic life in the 1920s, Moscow, 2023, 468 p

The review aims to draw the readers’ attention to the book by Mikhail Biryukov on the history of the free art workshop, school-commune and art technical school inMstyora in the 1920s. Based upon unpublished texts of its teachers and students and upon wide range of archive documents introduced into scholarly discourse for the first time, […]

Denisov K.M., Karpova O.M. New perspectives of modern lexicography. Book review: Lexicography of the Digital Age. Proceedings of the II International Sympozium (Moscow, Tomsk, November 20—22, 2024). Tomsk: TSY Press, 2024, 300 p

Readers are presented with a review of II International Symposium Materials (Moscow—Tomsk, November 22—24, 2024) “Lexicography of the Digital Era”. The symposium was devoted to the discussion of topical issues of the present-day theoretical and applied lexicography. Presentations focused on issues of traditional lexicography development in digital age, principles of new lexicographic projects construction, aimed […]

Smirnov D.G., Vetchinin N.M. Digitalization of consciousness: philosophical problems of cognitive aberration

The authors focus on the problem of digitalization of consciousness. The diversity in interpretations of digitalization is noted. A general definition of digitalization ofconsciousness is given. The concept of the cognitive split (turn) that occurred in the first quarter of the 21st century is formulated. The role of natural reason and artificial intelligence in it […]

Dokuchaev D.S. Regionalism as an ideological system

Regionalisms in the modern world, on the one hand, are the key to sustainable development of territories, and on the other hand, cause wars and conflicts. Regionalism is often opposed to globalism, and sometimes is considered as a response to the latter. Different aspects of regionalism research often fail to understand this phenomenon as an […]

Kulikov M.V. The formation and decline of American social and philosophical utopia in 19th—20th centuries: on the question of the “end of history”

American socio-philosophical utopia is an interesting phenomenon, since it was in it that the ontological, epistemological, anthropological, axiological, philosophicaland historical meanings of American culture, as the embodied “City on a Hil”, “Society of Equal Opportunities”, “Lighthouse of hope” found their manifestation. As an immanent dimension of social, including philosophical consciousness, and as a natural companion […]

Vasyukov V.L. Logics of self-consciousness

Using the method of combining logical systems, it is possible to describe the work of consciousness by means of logical systems — combinations of various kinds of connections of mental states and causal connections of neuronal states (psychophysical problem). For a pair of such “logics” it is always possible to find a “combined” logical system […]

Mukhina M.V. “You, peasant women, must vote for list No. 2…”: women's participation in the All-Russian Constituent Assembly elections in 1917 (based on materials of Kaluga province)

In the spring of 1917, all citizens of the Russian state received political rights; women, along with men, could take part in the elections to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly, which were the first general elections in the state. While in the capital, which was the epicenter of the main events, women had a certain degree […]

Abidulin A.M., Dronov M.V. Political and socio-economic situation in Libya in the pre-war period 2002—2010

The article describes the socio-geographical situation in 2002. The following is a description of the process and reforms designed to give impetus to economic growth and integrate the Libyan economy into the world economy. The ambiguity of the political and socio-economic situation in the country in 2002—2010 is clearly shown. The authors demonstrate how, against […]

Lidov A.A. The history of research of ancient Mesopotamian’s maps in the Western scholarship of the 20th—21st centuries

The paper explores the history of research dedicated to maps of Ancient Mesopotamia based primarily on publications of Western scholars of the 20th—21st centuries. The focus is given to studies that bear particular importance for the historiography and help to obtain an adequate understanding of the development of the field of topographic and cosmogonic maps […]

Simonenko E.S. Adaptation of disabled soldiers to civil life in Canada during the First World War (based on materials of the canadian press)

The paper is devoted to the study of government policy in the field of adaptation of disabled military personnel to the conditions of civilian life in Canada duringthe First World War. The article establishes a list of federal and provincial organizations created to develop and implement a comprehensive program for the rehabilitation of military invalids; […]

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