Tyuleneva E. M. Pushkin’s code in the novel “Constellation of the Twins” by Boris Dyshlenko

The article is aimed at introducing B. Dyshlenko’s text “Constellation of the Twins. A Christmas Novel” into a research context and is devoted to its examination through the Pushkin’s code. It is assumed that working with the code will allow not only to record the intertextual manifestations of Pushkin’s text in Dyshlenko’s novel and its author’s reception, but also to trace their functionality, activity and generative capabilities. Consistent identification of “signal points” of Pushkin’s code in Dyshlenko’s novel (code phrases, names, toposes; principles of narrative organization and scene-models; conceptual mythologemes and ideologemes) is accompanied by the discovery and demonstration of their organic implantation into the novel of the late twentieth century. Accordingly, situations of “quotation convergence”, dialogue, reactualization, revealing hidden potential and other models of interaction with Pushkin’s supertext as a field of culture are described. The combination of the concepts of the Pushkin’s code, most significant for Dyshlenko (facultative character, elements of miracle, liminality, incomplete text), is connected in his novel with the Christmas and Petersburg codes, bringing the text to a new level of reception.

Reference to article:

Tyuleneva E. M. Pushkin’s code in the novel “Constellation of the Twins” by Boris Dyshlenko // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2021. No.4. P. 69–78.  

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