Tajsina E.A. Philosophical ways of describing the worldview of the Hellenistic era: five paintings

The era of Hellenism is a very long historical period, and it is most important for understanding the history of European culture in general and philosophical culture in particular. Classical periods are usually short: like any rise or peak, they usually take only decades to pass, in some cases — centuries. The “valleys” between these peaks are much longer: the Middle Ages lasted for 1000 years; Hellenism, according to various estimates, up to 800 years. That was the era when democratic city-state perished and the empires were established: first, for a short time, the empire of Alexander the Great, then, for a long time, the Roman Empire, which fell only from the invasion of the Ost-Goths lead by Alaric and Theodoric. These high-profile political events affected the worldview and self-esteem of the subjects, who had to find their identity in the new anti-democratic conditions. Our tasks are as follows: firstly, to give a general description of Hellenism from the point of view of its origins, main spiritual pillars and all kinds of “transitions” and fractures; second, to briefly describe the “turning-around method” in relation to the transformation of a (philosophical) way of knowing into a (philosophical) current/trend; third, to demonstrate the effect of philosophical methods for painting the main five pictures of the world of that era.

For citation: Tajsina E.A. Philosophical ways of describing the worldview of the hellenistic era: five paintings, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, iss. 1, pp. 149 —159.