Moravidzh A.O. Peculiarities of meliorative evaluative nominations of the british queen

This article is dedicated to the features of forming and linguistic representation of a positive evaluation of the image of Queen Elizabeth II. The material for the analysis was meliorative evaluative nominations taken from the latest comments on videos published directly after the death of Elizabeth II and freely available on the internet, which reflect the attitudes of users of different ages and social statuses towards the British queen. A semantic and pragmatic analysis of direct and indirect nominations used by the authors of the comments is conducted. The structural features of nominative constructions are explained. Specific characteristics of the image of the queen, which most often receive a positive evaluation, are described. The illocutionary goal of statements containing meliorative evaluative nominations is analyzed. Lexical, grammatical, stylistic, syntactic, and graphic means and techniques used to convey positive evaluation, as well as to increase the expressiveness and emotional impact of statements, are discussed. Special attention is paid to
the analysis of paralinguistic means of nonverbal communication accompanying meliorative nominations, in particular emojis and emoticons. The functions of these signs for conveying positive evaluation are described. Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn regarding the distinctive properties of the stereotypical image of the queen reflected in language.

For citation: Moravidzh A.O. Peculiarities of meliorative evaluative nominations of the british queen, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, iss. 1, pp. 59—68.

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