Ilyin Yu.A. Intentions and the first efforts of the Textile Region public to implement the idea of establishing a higher technical educational institution in IvanovoVoznesensk (late 1916 — early 1917)

The article considers the issue of creating conditions for initiating the process of establishing a higher technical institute in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. We rely on already known sources and published materials, as well as on new sources and facts on this topic. Our goal is to give a full picture of the production potential and cultural life of the city, to assess the reaction and actions of the local community of the city in this direction at the turn of 1916/1917. An attempt has been made to adjust a number of provisions of already established concepts to the process of the birth and formation of higher education
in the textile region. The work gives an ambiguous assessment of the actions of the propertied strata and the intelligentsia of Ivanovo-Voznesensk during the specified period, in particular, manufacturers N.G. Burylin and D.G. Burylin, sworn attorney, comrade chairman of the school commission of the City Duma I.I. Vlasov. To solve the set goals and objectives, the following research methods were applied: reconstructive, logical, statistical and lexicological methods of narration and material analysis. The author comes to the conclusion that at that moment there were not enough mature objective and subjective prerequisites for a constructive solution of the task, and this was mainly manifested in the undeveloped social and cultural infrastructure of the city, poverty of intelligent forces, lack of support from the government authorities. The enthusiasm of a few associates of this idea could not reverse this situation, especially when it worsened against the background of the First World War.

For citation:

Ilyin Yu.A. Intentions and the first efforts of the Textile Region public to implement the idea of establishing a higher technical educational institution in IvanovoVoznesensk (late 1916 — early 1917), Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2023, iss. 4, pp. 75—87.

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