Bragin A.V. Noosphere as emergency characteristic biosphere in its synergies with history forms of the development mankind

Urgency of the subject is conditioned by the necessity to adequately present the general prospect of noospheric developments of our planet in its cosmic dynamics and specifics of concrete planetary conditions. That necessity conditions the purpose of our study realizable with the help of system-synergetic of the approach. Viewed from this perspective noosphere is a property of biosphere substrata — a totality of all alive organism. It seems necessary to notice that life itself is an emergent characteristic, manifestation to the wholeness of a certain system. A human being as an actual carrier of the reason is an edge of noospheric developments, which without its broad biosphere basis is impossible. Everything that takes place in the dynamics of life evolution has for noosphere development just as vital importance as mankind’s historical development. Noosphere as it was understood by K.E. Tsiolkovsky or P. Teyiar de Sharden, suggesting the elimination by humanity of all other forms to lives, is impossible. Noosphere as objective reality necessarily presupposes the coherent synergetic conservation and development of all forms of life within the framework of their coevolution with concrete historic forms of the human one.

For citation: Bragin A.V. Noosphere as emergency characteristic biosphere in its synergies with history forms of the development mankind, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, iss. 1, pp. 160—167.

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