Shimelfenig O.V., Vasiliev N.N. Language as a factor of self-transformation of noospheric universum

The role of language in the self-transformations of the World as a whole is explored. Language, in turn, is considered in the context of the hierarchy of languages of all levels of awareness, starting from elementary particles, molecules, cells, organisms, their communities to the biosphere, noosphere and ending with the Universal Integrity. The methodological basis of the research is the concept of the noosphere and the plot-game paradigm, where the source of everything that happens is supposed to be a certain Creative Beginning of the Universe, which has no form, and therefore generates them all. This idea, as well as the concepts of the individual, plot, scenario and game are basic in the model of Reality under consideration, which is described as the general interaction of all its constituent individuals, interpreted as a Cosmic Game. A special role here belongs to ideological communication, the difficulties of which are usually underestimated. Based on clarifying the definition of the language and technology of problem-based business games, a way to develop an intercivilizational project for the conscious evolution of the noospheric universe is proposed.

For citation: Shimelfenig O.V., Vasiliev N.N. Language as a factor of self-transformation of noospheric universum, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, iss. 2, pp. 158—164.