Okeanskiy V. P., Okeanskaya J. L. «Sophia fairy tales»: Livny and the losten paradise

The article presents the image of father SergiyBulgakov’s homeland, which significantly determined the specific features of his intellectual legacy.Suggestive images of the reigning death and the opposing feminine principle, woven into the general fabric of the church worldview of the Bulgakov family, are of great importance here. The metaphysically meaningful experience of childhood makes it […]

Matveev A. A. Migration wars of a new technological era

In the article, the author analyzes the concept of “migration war”, which is new for our century. The prerequisites for the development of migration confrontation between states are determined, the possibilities and consequences for the participants involved in the process are described. The characteristic of migration clashes at the regional level is also given through […]

Letina N. N., Tryaskova Ju. M. The military text as the product of the modern mass culture (on the example of the «Gravity Falls» animation)

The article presents the results of the analysis of the implementation of the war text in a representative product of modern popular culture — the animated series “Gravity Falls”. The main types of actualization of the phenomenon of war identified the war clashes, conflicts, civil war, information war, war between systems. The main levels of […]

Vavilova E. Yu., Petrуakov L. D. Conter-discursive and pseudo-discursive practices as a sign of the Cold War

The family of discursive concepts includes directly discourse, counterdiscourse, or anti-discourse, pseudo-discourse. Counter-discourses and pseudodiscourses are clearly distinguishable in internal and external political propaganda. Counter-discourses fix the opposites that have arisen, but do not allow the thought to develop to a dialectical synthesis, to overcome the contradiction on the basis of synthesis, and to have […]

Bragin A. V. The civilization of postmodern: peace is war?

The article is devoted to analysis of the prospect positive future mankind condition of the Postmodern as points to bifurcations of the development to global civilization. Balancing between War and the World in aspect nooscosmyc’s evolution of the universe, allows not to allow the post human future only under identical realization occurring change. Such vector […]

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