Tikhomirov V. V. Valuable scientific research. Book review: Irina B. Budanova, Emma M. Zhilyakova. A. N. Ostrovsky — translator of italian playwrights. Tomsk: Tomsk State University, 2018

The founder of the Russian national theatre A. N. Ostrovsky was a good hand at literary translation of foreign plays, his special interest being in the Italian theatre. The translations by Ostrovsky are characterized by a peculiar stylistics, a thorough work on words, a careful approach to the specific genre features of the plays. There […]

Panin A. S. «A tomb became a miracle…» (Worship of graves as an outward manifestation of popular religiosity in the ХХ century)

In the twentieth century, folk religiosity is an important part of everyday life, manifested in practices related to burial and commemoration. Religious symbols,«signs and texts» facilitate the veneration of graves. The veneration of the graves, above all of the dead righteous , confirms the significance of the «sacred in everyday life» for mass religious consciousness. […]

Oreshkin O. Yu. Experience of the implementation of the state personnel policy in the trade system of the USSR in the first half of the 1930s on the example of the operation of the trade network of the Vladimir Inter-District Base of the Ivanovo Regional Office Torgsin

The article is devoted to the implementation of personnel policy in the USSR in the first half of the 1930s on the example of the operation of the trade network of the Vladimir Inter-District Base of the Ivanovo Regional Office Torgsin. The author pays attention to the peculiarities of legal regulation within the system of […]

Yevseyev V. A. The material aspects mode of life of English society in the «Canterbury Tales» of G. Chaucer

The article is devoted to the description of material aspects mode of life of mediaeval English townsmen in the «Canterbury Tales» of Geoffrey Chaucer. The author showed the dwelling of the townsman, it’s inside of the home, domestic utensils. Geoffrey Chaucer more detail described food and clothes of the well-to-do English townsmen. Key words: material […]

Baldin K. E. The agricultural warehouses in agronomic activities of Zemstvo in Kostroma province in the early 20th century

The article is devoted to the agronomic activities of Zemstvo in Kostroma province. The author examines the work of agricultural warehouses, which were organized by Zemstvo. With the help of this local municipal authorities peasants implemented in their farms fertilizers, quality seeds and agricultural tools. This has contributed to the promotion of technological innovation in […]

Farkhutdinova F. F. The lingvocultural details functions in a satirical literary works (based on the materials of M. Bulgakov «Fatal Eggs»

Analysis of a literary piece presuppses the use of the information which is beyond the text. To this we refer the time of creating of the literary piece, the datafrom the author's backgruond, the author's attitude towards to the world and to the characters' prototypes. There are different ways of including extratextual (cultural) information into […]

Strashnov S. L. About the democratism of «books about the soldier» by A. Twardowsk

From the very beginning, the author emphasizes the inner freedom of the main character, the initiativity of this frontline combat comradery representative.A man from the masses is obviously self-governing, which becomes an instinctive manifestation of democracy. Further, it is shown how the poet captures the development of personality, characteristic for the wartime. Among others, it […]

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