Okolotin V. S. The operations of OGPU organs aimed at the operational provision of the dispossession of „kulaks‟ in Ivanovo industrial region in 1930—1931

The article is devoted to the research of the participation of the plenipotentiary representation of OGPU in Ivanovo industrial region in the centralized operations aimed at the operational provision of the dispossession of the peasantry. The attention is paid to the mechanism of the implementation, the content of the directives and also the requirements of […]

Kovrov T. A., Kornikov A. A. Heraldic traditions of pre-revolutionary Russia in modern coats of arms of the subjects of the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the study of heraldic traditions of pre-revolutionary Russia in modern coats of arms of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The article describes the process of creating coats of arms for different lands in modern Russia. Quantitative indicators of the approved coats of arms of subjects of the Russian Federation […]

Tsvetkov Yu. L. Integration and self-identification of Viennese modernism

Due to peculiarities of historical development and specific Austrian mentality the culture of Viennese modernism (1890—1910) has combined both integrative and disintegrative tendencies in the play field of interaction. Viennese literati and artists have created a deliberately conditional and play-like cultural potential enabling transformations of both man and the world. Self-identification of Viennese modernism has […]

Prokhorova T. G. Transformation of Marburg's image in B. Pasternak's autobiographical story “Safety Protection Certificate”

The article explores the principles of creating the image of Marburg in the autobiographical prose of B. Pasternak “Safety Protection Certificate” (1931), reveals the features of the artist's interpretation of real life impressions. The author of the article, relying theoretically on the work of the Bulgarian philosopher and aestheticist K. Goranov “Artistic image and its […]

Koptelova N. G. “Echoes” of “the puppet show” drama in Alexander Blok's lyrical cycle “Snow mask”

The article considers a special form of intermediality embodied in Blok’s creative thinking and genetically related to the intersection of lyric and theatricaldramatic principles in his poetry. The work emphasizes that one of the channels for introducing the “theatrical” code into Blok’s poetry follows the line of influence on it of dramas previously written by […]

Gavrikov V. A. The temporal structure of “The journey of Gleb” tetralogy by Boris Zaitsev: a biblical perspective

In the tetralogy of Boris Zaitsev “The Journey of Gleb” there are at least three temporal layers: linear historical time, time of “first events” and time after the Apocalypse (“new century”). Linear history is a constant return to the eternal prototypes from the sacred history. These eternal events may appear in a different morphological form, […]