Kasatkina S. S. Designing the Historical and Cultural Environment of the City in an Information Society

The article considers the possibilities of designing the historical and cultural space of the city. The urgency of the problem is connected with the digitalization of the Russian economy, including the direction of creating a comfortable urban environment. The author reveals the practices of formation of virtual and augmented reality of cities in the information […]

Bulychev I. I. Fundamental algorithms of reality as the drivers of scientific and philosophical dynamics

The article is devoted to the problems of constructing a methodology that selects the set of underlying algorithms (constants) being effective in the development of fundamental scientific and philosophical theories. It is shown that algorithmization lends itself, first of all, to the most developed and systematized layer of theoretical disciplines. The statement of the universal […]

Kovalenko S. V. The noospherogenesis concept as a philosophical and methodological basis for the functioning and development of the university education

The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of culture of society in the form of University education as a set of anthropological and social processes, during which the individual expands his opportunities for self-realization in the processes of creation of noospherogenesis values. The article deals with the problems of non-entropic evolutionary self-organization […]

Okeansky V. P., Okeanskaya Zh. L. «Revival of man»: the unsolved supertask of the Russian university

The article presents the problems of the crisis of the university, associated with the historical collapse of metaphysical universalism; The authors focus onthe deepening anthropological degradation, in contrast to which the undeveloped metaphysical potential of Russian culture is indicated as a creative opportunity. Key words: university, universalism, man, degradation, renovation. Reference to article: Okeansky V. […]

Bragin A. V. University education: classics and traditionalism or innovation of postmodernism

The article mounts a most urgent problem modern education. The author focuses on the nature innovation in education and consequences for society The Classics it’s classics because that she gives the standard. Concerns this and education in general and high. Present-day it’s innovation’s trand, it’s innovational an postmodernistic arts. Their essence is education service, the […]

Finogentov V. N. Dismal results of the humanitarian component reform in higher education of the modern Russia

The article shows the negative consequences of the reforms of the humanitarian component of higher education carried out in Russia in the post-Soviet period. The urgent need to strengthen and modernize the humanitarian component of Russian higher education is emphasized. Key words: growth of rates of technical and technological progress, reforming of Russian higher education, […]

Shilova E. A. General tendencies of English tourism terminology development

Formation of the terminology of tourism domain reflects the development of tourism as a separate type of professional activity. The article deals with questions of word-building of English tourism terminology. The diachronic approach allows to specify most productive ways of term formation characteristic of certain periods of the given terminology system development. Key words: Language […]

Tsimbal A. Yu. Intonation figuration of introductory and inverse disjunctive question in the academic presentational speech

The article deals with the peculiarities of intonational figuration of introductory and inverse disjunctive question in the academic presentational speech. Special attention is paid to the specifics of communicative tasks of the above-mentioned interrogative constructions and intonation patterns of their implementation by native speakers of American English. Key words: introductory and inverse disjunctive question, academic […]

Filatova E. A. Distant methods of teaching english phonetics in conditions of auditary bilingualism

The present article deals with the problem of effectiveness of distant (computer) methods of teaching of segmental and suprasegmental phonetics at school in conditions of auditory bilingualism. Based on the analysis of the concreate computer programs advantages and disadvantages of distant learning of phonetics in connection with the FSE in English are revealed. Key words: […]

Polyakova E. A. Linguocultural and poetological analysis of the nouns denoting “sky” in the Old English poem Beowulf

The given paper presents a detailed linguocultural and poetological analysisof the nouns denoting “sky” in the Old English epic poem Beowulf. The paperstudies semantic characteristics of the Old English nouns denoting “sky”, namely heofon, rodor, wolcen, swegl. The meanings of these nouns are defined and specified, their etymology and such peculiarities of Old English poetry […]