Philippovsky G.Yu. At the origins of Russian literature (On the period structure of Old Russian literature)

The paper is related with the actual problems of Old Russian literature, its period structure. Many of the university courses used traditionally the term “Kievan Rus X—XIII cc.” for the early Russian literature. Its clear, however, that this usage is not correct. Because since 1155 the capital of Rus’ was moved from Kiev to Wladimir-on-Klyazma. […]

Kartashkova F.I., Koroleva V.V. Ways of expressing negative emotions in the works of E. Poe and E.T.A. Hoffmann

The paper deals with verbal and non-verbal ways of expressing the emo-tional state of the characters in literary pieces of E.T.A. Hoffman and E. Poe. In the focus of attention are emotions of fear, terror, anger. They are expressed with the help of words of negative connotation, intensifying particles, interjections, comparative constructions of metaphoric nature. […]

Danilova V.S., Kozhevnikov N.N. Initial principles and basic concepts of universalism in the context of noospherogenesis

The fundamental concepts of “noosphere” and “noobiogeosphere” are considered as two stages of noospherogenesis within the framework of a single approach. Within the framework of a comparative analysis, the heuristic concept of the noobiogeosphere as based on the limiting dynamic equilibria of the things surrounding it — the planet Earth and its geospheres — is […]

Erofeeva K.L. A philosopher in the modern university: a coach or a representative of intelligentsia?

The article deals with the social functions of a philosophy teacher at a modern university. The assertion about the necessity of a philosopher presence in a university is substantiated: first of all, a philosopher is necessary as a representative of the intelligentsia and an educator of the intelligentsia of subsequent generations. The concept of intelligentsia […]

Smirnov G.S., Smirnov D.G., Melikyan M.A. Virtual noospheric university: educational universe in iso-philosophic representation

The article is devoted to the actual problem of virtualization of the modern university educational space. It is noted that global digitalization creates ample opportunities for the emergence of numerous representations of distance virtual education. It is shown that “zoom-” and “skype” technologies reveal one of the modes of virtuality — the replacement of personal […]

Tumakov D.V. Crimes of law enforcement workers of post-war years in the historical context of the epoch (Based on archival materials of Yaroslavl region)

On the basis of declassified documents of party organizations and law enforcement agencies of the Yaroslavl region, the article analyzes the causes of gross violations of the law by local policemen in the first post-war years. The most striking and characteristic examples of this kind are given. As a rule, they took place in the […]

Kostyleva E.L., Tochenov S.V., Chervyakov A.I. Documents of the epistolary genre in the museum and archival foundations of Ivanovo State University

The letters of a person, in which his era is reflected, are no less interesting than the letters of great figures in literature, art, science or politics. In relation to the 20th century, such representatives include Regina Mikhailovna Grinberg, head of the Ivanovo Youth Folk Theater in the 1950s—1990s, and Dmitry Aleksandrovich Krainov, Doctor of […]