Budanova I.A., Nikiforova V.A. From Leipzig Charter to… Leipzig Charter: formation of the European Union urban agenda (2007—2020)

The article discusses the milestones of the EU’s urban agenda formation: the importance of cities as drivers of EU development is substantiated, the dynamics of its development in the period 2007—2020 is shown, and the relationship between the urban, territorial and socio-economic courses of the European Union is revealed. Particular atten-tion is paid to the […]

Baldin K.Ye. Forgotten manufacturer from Ivanovo-Voznesensk Pavel Akifyev: proponent of technological progress and social experimentalist (late XIX — early XX century)

The history of entrepreneurship in prerevolutionary Russia is a very multifaceted and almost inexhaustible topic. An adequate picture of the business world of Russia at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries can be obtained only by studying the activities of both big and medium-sized, even small-scale entrepreneurs. It is necessary to study also […]

Selemeneva O.A. Explication of the axiological oppositions in I.A. Bunin’s poetic text (Mythonyms studies)

The article studies the means of objectification of the binary axiological opposition “good — evil” and the perceptual-axiological opposition “light — darkness” in I. A. Bunin’s poetry. These dyads are considered subordinative, declaring the priority of the value of one of their members. The novelty of the article is connected with the representation of mythonyms […]

Denisov K.M., Karpova O.M. Making scientific bridges through torrential stream of time. Book Review: Modern Germanic Philology and Western-European Literature: collective monography, iss. 4, ed. by A.V. Ivanov. Moscow: Flinta, 2023, 440 p

The readers are presented with a review of the collective monograph “Modern Germanic Philology and Western-European Literature”, created due to the initiative of the Learned Council D 212.163.01 of Nizhniy Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N.A. Dobrolubov. The review underlines the diversity of the covered topics, which includes research results, carried by scholars from […]

Nikolaeva А.S. Regional media discourse and the mosaic of mass political consciousness in the era of COVID-19

The article is devoted to media discourse, in the context of the implementation of symbolic politics understood as a semiotic space for the production of interpretations of social reality and the formation of political consciousness and thinking. Mosaic nature is noted as an apriori characteristic of the mass political consciousness. The author’s definition of media […]

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