Tatarenko N. A. Hegelian dialectics in Soviet aesthetics: concepts and personalities

The article analyzes the history of the emergence of interest in Hegelian philosophy in Russia, starting from the 1820s of the XIX century. It is shown that the study of Hegel’s philosophy, according to the famous study of D. I. Chizhevsky, arose at the intersection of the need to comprehend history and social life in Russia and interest directly in Hegel’s ideas. This contributed to the fact that Hegel’s philosophy at first was mainly spread orally. Hegel’s aesthetics was no exception. Despite the fact that this part of Hegel’s philosophical system became the first text of a philosopher available in Russian, the translation itself, for many reasons, did not meet the criteria for a scientific publication. Only in the XX century did the study of the Hegel’s heritage by professional philosophers begin. Among those who focused their interest specifically on Hegel’s aesthetics were Mikhail Lifshits and Mikhail Ovsyannikov — thinkers completely different in style and character of their texts, but at the same time extremely important figures in Russian Hegel studies and in the process of interpretation of Hegel’s philosophy.

Reference to article:

Tatarenko N. A. Hegelian dialectics in Soviet aesthetics: concepts and personalities // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2021. No.4. P. 161–172.  

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