Tajsin E.A. Two levels and ways of describing consciousness in the format of existential materialism

The article is devoted to the problem of describing consciousness, the as-pects of which are diverse, as well as the ways of expressing its main function — cognition. The author reveals the content, firstly, of the main and, secondly, of the highest position available to human consciousness / cognition. It has been established that the thesaurus of vocabularies will be incomplete without an analysis of the starting point, or platform, from which cognition starts, and the peak, or pinnacle, which the human spirit seeks to reach. It is shown that the path of cognition cannot be described without a native, innate belief in the cognizability of the surrounding reality, which is based on the postulate of the unity of being and cognition. A philosophical paradigm of existential materialism is proposed, which is fundamentally different from the mechanistic, objectivist concept. The essence of a relevant picture of being and cognition is presented, in which a person is presented not as an external observer and not as a reflector, but initially, in the “nadir”, finds himself in Dabewuβtsein. It is concluded that, having begun in this way, knowledge comes to its peak, to “zenith”, in Dageist.

For citation:

Tajsin Е.А. Two levels and ways of describing consciousness in the format of exisistential materialism, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2023, iss. 1, pp. 129—138.

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