Strunina N.V., Krekhtunova E.V. The role of grammar in the formation of English and Russian national character

The article touches upon the problems of the influence of the English and Russian languages grammatical structure on the national features of these peoples. It is noted that when learning a foreign language, special attention should be paid not only to the lexical and grammatical components of speech, but also to the study of the peculiarities of national culture. National character is a complex concept that is the subject of research in various sciences — philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc. The article discusses various definitions of the «national character» concept, analyzes its components and identifies sources of information about it. Among the many grammatical phenomena affecting the formation of personality, in the article special attention is paid to the use of personal pronouns in Russian and English, one of the key concepts of the English language — «understatement» and the use of the imperative mood. The author also analyzes the means for expressing emotions in both languages and emphasizes that the use of nominative constructions prevails in English, and dative constructions prevail in Russian. In conclusion, the use of articles in the English language and its role in reflecting the central place of the individual in English culture are touched upon.

For citation: Strunina N.V., Krekhtunova E.V. The role of grammar in the formation of English and Russian national character, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, iss. 2, pp. 64—70.