Strashnov S. L. About the democratism of «books about the soldier» by A. Twardowsk

From the very beginning, the author emphasizes the inner freedom of the main character, the initiativity of this frontline combat comradery representative.
A man from the masses is obviously self-governing, which becomes an instinctive manifestation of democracy. Further, it is shown how the poet captures the development of personality, characteristic for the wartime. Among others, it is being revealed in open author self-expression. Such understanding of the “book about the warrior” provides basis for polemics with those who has insisted on the epic nature of the work. The article emphasizes that Tvardovsky’s epos is approaching lyrics, the private and the national are being united in a tragic harmony. Similar — autonomous, but also kin relationships, connect the author with contemporary readers, which were spiritually growing with him, with the main character. In the conclusions it is said that the democratism that distinguishes the text, is multifaceted. Besides the usually highlighted mass simplicity of the hero and syllable, it is implemented in the independent, complex, changing nature of Terkin, other characters who are rooting for their homeland, and author-reader contacts. It is also being implemented in the genre of the book — an uninhibited art formation, fueled by the impressions of a newspaper journalist and the element of folk speech behavior — as well as in the recreation of the details of the lower life and in an accessibledeveloping style.

Key words: A. Tvardovsky, “Vasily Terkin”, hero and author, epic and lyrics, contacts with readers, democracy.

Reference to article:

Strashnov S. L. About the democratism of «books about the soldier» by A. Twardowsk // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2019. No.4. P. 5-12.

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