Smirnov G. S., Vetchinin N. M. The phenomenon of universal digitalization: human and his digital consciousness

The work is devoted to the philosophical analysis of the universal digitalization phenomenon, including digitalization of a person and evolution of his digital consciousness. The multidimensionality of problematization of digitalization processes in domestic and foreign science and philosophy is shown. A critical analysis of the “digitalization” concept and its selected definitions are presented, testifying the weakness of scientific reflection in relation to the phenomenon of digital consciousness. The authors consider it in the context of the formation of a digital picture of the world, a digital personality, as well as the digitalization of individual and collective consciousness. The ambivalence of the influence of general digitalization on a person and his consciousness is shown. A variant of the theoretical understanding of digitalization processes from the point of view of the principle of actualization (“ontogeny repeats phylogeny”) and the geological process of bio-socio-techno-cephalization is proposed. The ways of overcoming the slide of the information society to “digital Chernobyl” are outlined.

Reference to article:

Smirnov G. S., Vetchinin N. M. The phenomenon of universal digitalization: human and his digital consciousness // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2021. No.4. P. 127–134.  

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