Shukurov D.L. Russian religious philosophy of language and linguistic oriented discourse of J. Lacan

Linguoculturological, philosophical, theological and psychoanalytical issues related to the history of Russian religious philosophy of language are updated. The problem of naming (nomination), known in biblical exegesis, and the religious and philosophical doctrine of name-glorification (imyaslavie), developed by Russian thinkers (P.A. Florensky, A.F. Losev, S.N. Bulgakov) within the framework of the specific philosophy of name, turn out to be consonant with the problem of name in the psychoanalysis of J. Lacan. The hypothesis is put forward that the French psychoanalyst thinks of the construct “Name of the Father” as a transcendental projection of an unknown entity — the Other/Absolute, and the relationship between them — the projection and the Absolute — is built according to the type of tautological repetition of a single principle of essence. This corresponds, in our opinion, to the imyaslav doctrine of the name of God as the energy of the Essence, as well as the religious and philosophical descriptions associated with this doctrine of the features of the identity of the name of God and His Essence. The report presents an analysis of this issue in the interference of the discourses of Lacanian psychoanalysis and Russian onomatodoxy (imyaslavie). The artificial convergence of these discourses can be theoretically problematic. However, paradoxically, the problem of the name becomes a connecting link between methodologically (and even ideologically) different paradigms of psychoanalytic, philosophical, linguistic and theological thought.

For citation: Shukurov D.L. Russian religious philosophy of language and linguistic oriented discourse of J. Lacan, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, iss. 3, pp. 169—178.