Panin A. S. «A tomb became a miracle…» (Worship of graves as an outward manifestation of popular religiosity in the ХХ century)

In the twentieth century, folk religiosity is an important part of everyday life, manifested in practices related to burial and commemoration. Religious symbols,
«signs and texts» facilitate the veneration of graves. The veneration of the graves, above all of the dead righteous , confirms the significance of the «sacred in everyday life» for mass religious consciousness.

Key words: Folk religiosity, everyday life, practices related to burial and commemoration, religious symbols, grave worship.

Reference to article:

Panin A. S. «A tomb became a miracle…» (Worship of graves as an outward manifestation of popular religiosity in the ХХ century) // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2019. No.4. P. 58-61.

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