Oxenchuk V.N. Typological similarities in the works of German and Russian Romantics (On the example of G.A. Burger's ballad “Lenora” and V.A. Zhukovsky's ballads “Lyudmila” and “Svetlana”)

The subject of the article is a comparative analysis of three works written by V.A. Zhukovsky: the ballads “Ludmila” and “Svetlana” and the translation of G.A. Burger's ballad “Lenora”. It examines issues related to the spread of Romanticism in Russia and attempts to identify typological similarities of texts written on similar subjects and to identify the causes of differences in their perception. The typology of the ballad event together with the ballad characters make up the so-called role triangle, which allows one to compare the works with each other. Turning to the ballads we are studying, it is obvious that the ballad events of “Lenora” and “Lyudmila” are identical, the outline of the events described in them coincides, and they are integral and momentaneous. In both ballads, eventfulness is presented in a highly concentrated form. Unlike them, the ballad “Svetlana” is like a “mirror version”, in which the finale indicates a repetition of the main events, but from a different perspective. Thus, the detection and analysis of contact links and typological cohesions between national literatures makes it possible to talk about their interaction and mutual influence.

For citation:

Oxenchuk V.N. Typological similarities in the works of German and Russian Romantics: (on the example of G.A. Burger's ballad “Lenora” and V.A. Zhukovsky's
ballads “Lyudmila” and “Svetlana”), Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2023, iss. 3, pp. 38—44