Loskutov Yu.V. The crisis of private intellectual property and general intellect

In the focus of the author’s attention is a crisis of private intellectual property, which in culture leads to the destruction of private property, as well as inhibiting the development of education and creativity. The factors of socialization of intellectual property are analyzed in the framework of the socio-philosophical discourse. It is recorded that existing legal techniques do not give the final option for resolving this issue. The author considers the socialization of intellectual property through an appeal to the Marx category of “general intelligence”. Two main interpretations of this concept are analyzed: “technocratic”, for which universal intelligence is accumulated machine capacities of capital, and “anthropological”, according to which universal intelligence is the aggregate intelligence of society, expressed primarily in live work. The “anthropological” interpretation is considered as a priority due to the fact that the working people themselves, and not the technique they produce, are the material substance of social development. It is concluded that universal work and universal intelligence as its subjective side create objective prerequisites for overcoming the “vicissitudes” of capitalist production relations, including relations of private intellectual property.

For citation:

Loskutov Yu.V. The crisis of private intellectual property and general intellect, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2023, iss. 1, pp. 157—166.

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