Lobanova E. I., Suvorova N. V. Verbalization of the concept “tree” in the novel “Lavr” by E. G. Vodolazkin

This article examines one of the most challenging problems of modern linguistic science — the problem of representing a certain concept in texts of modern literature. Within the framework of the posed problem, an attempt is made to analyze systematically various ways of verbalizing the concept of “tree” in the “non-historical” novel by E. G. Vodolazkin “Lavr”. Based on the diversity of the identified linguistic means that ensure the representation of all the main meanings of a given concept as a concept-constant, a natural similarity is established between general and particular ideas about this linguoculturological category, which are realized not only in the works of Russian folk art, but also in the works of modern literature. The variety of lexical means, including direct and derived concept nominations, phraseological units, cognate words, synonyms, lexemes linked by hyper-hyponymic relations, as well as meta-phorical concept nominations, contributes to the most accurate and complete reflection of the specificity of the author’s vision of the concept-constant “tree”. However, the ways of verbalizing this concept, identified in the novel by E. G. Vodolazkin “Lavrˮ, clearly testify to the close and inextricable connection of the individual worldview of the writer with the national mentality, with the traditions of the Russian people, deeply rooted in the pre-Christian era.

Reference to article:

Kiseleva Lobanova E. I., Suvorova N. V. Verbalization of the concept “tree” in the novel “Lavr” by E. G. Vodolazkin // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2021. No.1. P. 22-27.

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