Lakerbay D.L. On the theory of personal style: referential model in the system of style determinants

This article presents the author’s original concept of style determinants, based on the understanding of a personal style as a full-fledged embodiment of the subject side of the text. The process of creating a writer’s own style can be interpreted as an individual semiosis, and the emerging text space can be interpreted as a derived language environment with realized subjectivity. Personal style is a unique organic unity of the ideological and constructive principle and the “texture” of the work, therefore the most important category is the “depth of the style model” as a requirement to combine the analysis of the expressive texture with the analysis of the method of expression itself. It is impossible to see the whole style with an analytical look, therefore, the analysis of the personal style is the building of a composition of style determinants, while the composition and depth of the style model are variable. To characterize the individual semiosis and the secondary language environment implemented in the work, a special term is required. In our understanding, this is an “author’s referential model”. At the level of the stylistic principle, “referential model” means the tendency to select/depict something somehow. At the level of stylistic texture, “referential model” means exactly how objects and phenomena are demonstrated in the text. The “referential model” can be metaphorically called a programmatic mimetic manner of the writer. The description of the artist’s “referential model” is a brief “presentation” of the most regular and visual stylistic signs of the “depicted world”, indicating the writer’s attitude to the world and language.

For citation:

Lakerbay D.L. On the theory of personal style: referential model in the system of style determinants, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2022, iss. 1, pp. 43—56.