Lakerbay D. L. Both the horse and the delicate trembling doe: notes on the phenomenon of the Soviet writer-journalist

This article is devoted to the problem of the indistinguishability of artistic and journalistic texts in the works of the ―grand style‖ of the Stalin era. The concept of ―literature‖ is historical, so it is necessary to study the historical configuration of literature, first of all determining the relevant contexts. Such a context for the Stalinist era is the state strategy for the full inclusion of literature into the paradigm of social utilitarianism and social engineering. Within the framework of this single task, a work of fiction and a journalistic text lose their distinctive features, since both carry the same pathos. There are also similarities in themes, issues, genres, and language. A striking example of such hybrid literature is the work of the famous Soviet writer Boris Gorbatov. His novel ―My Generation‖ is a fictionalized journalistic chronicle, in which every episode and image is created by journalistic means. The author constantly reminds the reader that he is not writing his own autobiography, but the biography of a generation. He sets out all the ideological assessments in advance, offers the reader a ready-made scheme, which he tries to enliven with the help of details, as in an essay. Gorbatov also constantly reports that his text is directly related to reality, and often switches to open journalism.

Reference to article:

Lakerbay D. L. Both the horse and the delicate trembling doe: notes on the phenomenon of the Soviet writer-journalist // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2021. No.2. P. 18-29.

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