Kogalovskii S. R. Reading Ilyenkov (how should a school teach to think?)

Judgments of the author of the book “School should teach to thinkˮ correlate with problems of developmental teaching of mathematics. The fundamental limitations of the genetic approach to training are shown. Following it hinders the development of the mechanisms of cognition of students. The genetic method is contrasted to the ontogenetic approach to training, the latter being characterized by the principles and methods of constructing such a “historicalˮ, which is the process of forming, mastering and developing the logical, which carries an increase in the potency of its development. The following thesis of the author of the book is analyzed: “Scientific truth, separated from the path on which it was found, turns into a verbal husk”. It is compared with the a-genetics (according to A. F. Losev) of creative products. It is also compared with the following position: the genesis of culture, or cultural phylogeny, generates a change in the trajectory of cultural ontogenesis, a change in its logic. And the further it goes, the more discrepancy it creates with its logic of cultural ontogenesis (in contrast to Haeckel’s law).

Reference to article:

Kogalovskii S. R. Reading Ilyenkov (how should a school teach to think?) // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2021. No.1. P. 122-133.

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