Grigoryan A.A. Types of sexism in English (Pejoration of women)

In present-day linguistics sexism serves as kind of an “umbrella” term covering and uniting quite a lot of seemingly heterogeneous and contradictory variants (from a covert or even benevolent sexism to overt or blatant one). Despite this multiplicity and variability, all versions of sexism share the idea of the opposite sex discrimination. Scholars have suggested a number of different approaches that may be used to research the phenomenon of sexism. This article, based on one of such approaches, is focused on the ways the English language makes use of to pejorate women.

For citation:
Grigoryan A.A. Types of sexism in English: (Pejoration of women), Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2022, iss. 2, pp. 45—52.

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