Gavrikov V. A. Name of the Names of Alexander Bashlachev

Alexander Bashlachev created a complex poetic myth that is difficult to correlate with neomythologism. On the contrary, the poet tried to restore the ancient relict thinking, taking into account the achievements of modern poetry. The mythologeme Name of Names is the center of the sacred Bashlachev myth. The Name of Names is a complex set of references to various religious and philosophical traditions, intertexts. The core of the Name of Names is biblical references, both Old Testament and New Testament. Major events borrowed: the story of the Tower of Babel and the Nativity of Christ. However, these events with Bashlachev are seriously changed. The reason is that the poet is not referring to the past, but to the future. According to Bashlachev, the biblical events will be repeated, but will appear in a different guise. Sacred events are transferred to Russian soil: Bashlachev is waiting for the birth of the Name of
Names in the form of a baby in the Russian expanses. Nevertheless, the Name of Names is not only anthropomorphic: it can correlate with the ancient Greek and Christian Logoi, with the Eastern Tao, etc. The Name of Names is also a synthetic religion in which all world beliefs are accumulated in the manner of the New Age movement. The main thing in the Name of Names is its apocalyptic subtext: the poet is waiting for the imminent renewal of the world, and it is the Name of Names that will be the main “makerˮ of the Apocalypse.

Key words: Alexander Bashlachev, Name of Names, myth, biblical events, Apocalypse, world religions, Logos, Tao.

Reference to article:

Gavrikov V. A. Name of the Names of Alexander Bashlachev // Ivanovo State University Bulletin. Series «The Humanities». 2020. No.4. P. 12-20.

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