Finogentov V.N. About one remarkable feature of the existence
of consciousness

The article discusses the “prostration” of consciousness in time. It is argued that consciousness in its being is not concentrated only in the actual present, but always extends to some extent, both into the past and into the future. It is this “prostration” of consciousness in time that is the basis of the subjectivity of a human being with consciousness. In other words, it allows a person, on the one hand, to be active, selective in relation to his past, and, on the other hand, to create his own projects of the future and act appropriately. Here it must be said that the indicated «prostration» of the existence of consciousness in time can be interpreted at least in two ways. Its first interpretation is given within the framework of the concept of monotemporalism and is in a sense familiar and still quite common in philosophy. From the point of view of this interpretation, the real existence of consciousness is rigidly tied to the current present. The «prostration» of consciousness's being in time here consists only in the fact that consciousness, rigidly “tied” to the present in its real being, can build ideal (mental) images of the past and the future. The second interpretation of the vastness of the existence of consciousness in time is given within the framework of the concept of polytemporalism developed by the author of the article. Within the framework of this concept, we are talking about a completely real «prostration» of the existence of consciousness in time. That is, the existence of consciousness is stretched out in time not only in terms of noema (in terms of the content of acts of consciousness), but also in terms of noesis (in terms of the implementation of the acts of consciousness themselves).

For citation:

Finogentov V.N. About one remarkable feature of the existence of consciousness, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2023, iss. 4, pp. 140—147.

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