Andreyanova E.E. “Being-with” and the distributed subject in M. Eremin’s texts of the 2010’s

The article examines M. Eremin's poetic creativity of the 2010’s through the prism of subject spatial relations. The author, whose poetics is characterized by an imaginative and stylistic diversity, including work with a natural scientific, religious, historical and cultural context, is traditionally considered difficult for re aders and researchers to perceive, since the usual methods of analyzing a poetic text do not always allow to reveal the multiplicity and paradoxicality of the poet's artistic world. The compositional tightness of the poems, the formal absence of a lyrical subject in the texts, the complex syntax associated with the use of outdated vocabulary and scientific terms gave the researchers reason to characterize Eremin's work as “dictionary poetics”, which needs new ways of reading and
interpretation. One of such methods, in our opinion, can be the study of semantics and functioning in texts of such artistic categories as “subject” and “space”, which are considered in close connection with each other. It is noted that a special approach to the explication of the subjective through spatial juxtapositions and modifications is expressed in Eremin's conceptual understanding of the world as “being-together”, and the text becomes an opportunity for objective fixation of the juxtaposition of the lyrical and objective.

For citation:

Andreyanova E.E. “Being-with” and the distributed subject in M. Eremin's texts of the 2010’s, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities,
2023, iss. 3, pp. 16—23.

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