Begisheva O.S. Comparative analysis of the poem “An Irish Airman Foresees His Death” by W.B. Yeats translations in the light of M.Y. Lotman’s theory of a poetic text elements semantic correlation

The article is devoted to the problem of a lyrical work translations comparative analysis in the light of M. Lotman’s views on the poetic text as a complex of interrelated semantic components that gain significance in the semantic space only in their assembly. According to the scholar's beliefs, each element of a literary text acquires a “secondary”, “extra-linguistic” meaning only by being connected with another, which, entering into a relationship with the first one, “signifies” it, giving it atypical meanings in comparison with its everyday use in speech. The nature of such interaction is indicated by M. Lotman as “parallelism”, and by this term he means the whole complex of compound and sometimes not fully clarified semantic connections that ensure the poetic text cohesion and coherence. An attempt to analyze a literary text and its translation for the presence of such connections will allow us to take into consideration a specific language material and come to an objective conclusion as to which of the translators turned out to be closer to the author. Besides, it might help to identify the peculiarities of the translation process, to trace the influence of the existing literary tradition on the translator's perception of a poetic work and the process of its creation in Russian.

For citation: Begisheva O.S. Comparative analysis of the poem “An Irish Airman Foresees His Death” by W.B. Yeats translations in the light of M.Y. Lotman’s theory of a poetic text elements semantic correlation, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, iss. 1, pp. 5—15.

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