Andreyanova E.E. The functioning of subject-spatial models in the book of poems by K. Korchagin “All things of the world”

The category of space, the focus on which was formed in the twentieth century, having pushed aside the previously dominant category of artistic time, is realized in a new way in innovative poetics through close interaction with the category of the subjective. Kirill Korchagin is a prominent representative of the younger generation of authors who comprehend the artistic practices of post-conceptualism, whose subject-spatial relations are analyzed in this article. Against the background of contemporaries, the specificity of the lyrical subject in Korchagin’s texts is distinguished by integrity and dynamism, and the nature of interaction with space is isomorphic and hontological. As a result of the analysis, two models of interaction between space and the lyrical subject were identified. The subject-spatial relations in the first model are of a cross nature, the interaction of space and the subject is mutual. In the second model, the subject and space interact more separately, the space is affected by the subject and built into the field of empirical experiences. Important for Kirill Korchagin is the interaction with the concept of “collective subjective”, the influence of which determines the defragmented and scattered form of spatial objects. The author rethinks the concept of trauma, which is no longer conventionally perceived as a negative consequence of destruction but acquires the role of a portal through which the subject and spatial objects interact.

For citation:

Andreyanova E.E. The functioning of subject-spatial models in the book of poems by K. Korchagin “All things of the world”, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2022, iss. 1, pp. 7—17.