Abramov P.D., Abramova A.I. Overview effect: holism of being and humanistic transformation of a person

The overview effect is a feeling of awe for the beauty of the Earth and awareness of responsibility for it, experienced by many cosmonauts, starting with Yuri Ga-garin. The purpose of the article is to reveal the ontological component of the overview effect and its ethical implications. The founder of the concept of the overview effect F. White and astronaut and thinker E. Mitchell develop a holistic, panpsychist ontology. Consciousness and life are not accidental, but the most important properties of the universe, as evidenced by the direction of evolution towards the emergence of mind. F. White writes about the increasing influence of humanity on cosmic evolution and about the hypothetical universal cosmic mind. Mitchell states that mind and matter are two interrelated aspects of a single evolving reality. He rejects both the personal God as the creator of the cosmos and the platonic world of ideas. From our point of view, without the pre-existence of the most important laws of nature, chaotic matter could not be organized into something structured.

For citation:

Abramov P.D., Abramova A.I. Overview effect: holism of being and humanistic transformation of a person, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humani-ties, 2023, iss. 1, рр. 147—156.

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