Atdaev S.J. Banners of the turkmen (based on materials from the 19th century)

Information about the battle flags of the Turkmen of the 19th century is very modest. We have taken upon ourselves the responsibility to fill this gap and present all available historical material. There are no scientific researches and publications on this topic in Turkmen historiography. An attempt to restore the picture of the banner complex among the Turkmens of the 19th century is the main purpose of this study. Collecting all available historical material, comparing data and in-depth analysis will help to implement an integrated approach and will become the main task of the issue under consideration. The study of this issue showed that the banner items among the Turkmens include banners, badges and horsetails, designated by such terms as baydak and tug. Large uniform banners symbolized common tribal symbols. As part of the tribal structure, the tribes and clans had their own small icons. Banners and badges differed not only in size, but also in shape and color. Such a bright palette of banner symbols could have been observed during small raids and military skirmishes. However, during major battles with the enemy, the Turkmens performed under the sacred green banner.

For citation: Atdaev S.J. Banners of the turkmen (based on materials from the 19th century), Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, iss. 2, pp. 71—78.