Nikolaeva A.S. The noospheric potential of modern media-discourse

The article considers the problem of media discourse as a structural element of the noosphere, where information processes move to a higher level and serve as a means of converting free energy into new types of it. Within the framework of the noospheric paradigm, from the standpoint of a systematic approach, the characteristic of the system-forming properties and relations of the media discourse are worked out in detail. In addition the characteristics of the global communication sphere at the present stage and the forecast of its development are given. Conclusions regarding the substrate component of media discourse in modern concepts in Russia and abroad are synthesized, and the main prerequisites for the transition of the biosphere to the noosphere within the framework of the theory of media discourse are updated. In relation to the basic noospheric law, the principles of information process management as a specific type of activity to ensure the sustainable development of the social system and noospheric security are analyzed. A system of principles of global information security is proposed as part of an integrated process management system within the framework of noospheric dynamics.

For citation: Nikolaeva A.S. The noospheric potential of modern media-discourse, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2024, no. 2, pp. 175—185.