Kiseleva I.S. The functions of the playing field in Fritz Hochwelder's comedy “Innocent”

In itself, a dramatic work (macrotext) is a play on stage. At the same time, at the microtext level, in each particular play, the game principle can manifest itself to varying degrees, since the principle of the construction of the play and the number of game elements in it depends on the author. The study of the comedies of the great Austrian playwright Fritz Hochwelder from the point of view of the beginning of the game seems appropriate because the heyday of his work fell in the middle of the 20th century. In the era of the crisis of humanistic ideas, having survived the terrible time of fascism, the author turns to the game, making it the form and content of his plays. The article is devoted to the study of such a phenomenon as he intellectual playing field of a comedy play. Consideration of the place and functions of the elements of the playing field can be an important step towards interpreting the works of Fritz Hochwelder in line with the cultural and historical trends of the post-war era. The study of the game at various levels of his plays opens up opportunities to comprehend the philosophical, social, moral and ethical problems raised by the author, contributes to solving the question of the peculiarities of the comic beginning in these works and leads to an understanding of the genre originality of the comedy “Innocent”.

For citation:

Kiseleva I.S. The functions of the playing field in Fritz Hochwelder's comedy “Innocent”, Ivanovo State University Bulletin, Series: Humanities, 2023,
iss. 3, pp. 24—29.